Monday, September 27, 2010

Body Booster or a Worm???

It’s not uncommon for me to wax philosophical after encountering the mundane.  I guess it seems to keep things interesting.   This morning it was the meandering thoughts that followed me pulling a slimy worm look-alike out of the tip of my body booster hair product.  As I yanked on the “head” of the slick little guy, nonchalantly extricating him from the tip of my Thicken Up, I considered how differently I would be reacting if it were actually a worm.  In fact, by all accounts, it shared every quality of a worm.  It had the texture of a worm, the shape of a worm.  Even the size of a small worm!  And, yet because I knew it was only hair product, I was cool as a cucumber as I flicked it off my finger.  I know, call me heroic!

As I watched the little guy fling to the sink and slip down the drain, I began to reflect on the power of our thoughts.  Often referred to as “cognitive appraisals” in the world of psychology, our thoughts about things play a fundamental role in shaping our feelings.  In fact, helping others alter the way they think about things is often a key task in therapy, demonstrating remarkable results in overcoming a range of psychiatric symptoms. 

As I observed my own personal bravery this morning, I began to reflect on my own life and I wondered... Are there other life issues where a shift in thinking could be helpful?  Are there places of anxiousness in my heart that would be soothed by a reappraisal?  

As I reflect, I imagine there are likely a range of misconceptions that I carry around.  Some probably result in little worries, and others, maybe not so little. And so I come full circle.  I recognize that I may need a little help and my reflections become a prayer.   

“Dear Lord, as I process and respond to my day, please grant me wisdom.  Help me to think about the details of life in the way that YOU think about them.”   

As I consider the kindness of God, I imagine Him whispering in my ear providing that gentle reassurance, “There, there, Julie.  Don’t let your heart be troubled.  That worm over there that’s crawling up your leg... The one that you are flipping out about.  It’s just a little body booster.”  

Philippians 4:6 “Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known to God. And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."