Monday, August 1, 2011

My Home is Wall-Papered with Good Intentions

Ok... so I'm always on the lookout for a blog or two that will validate that "working mom" is in fact a valid mothering category.  A blog that will concede and maybe even embrace that there are many women, in fact the majority of mothers, who both have careers AND are fully invested in the precious role of loving and raising children, even if it doesn't include scrapbooking.  If I had a dollar, scratch that... a nickel... for every blog written about/for/by homeschooling, crafting, stay-at-home moms, I could, at least, consider quitting my job.  But for those of us who both work and mother, the supportive resources can be quite skimpy.  

I giggled today when I ran across  Eureka!  A working mom blog!!  I eagerly poured over the website to discover a whopping two entries, 8/26/2001 and 9/2/2001.  Of course that is what you would find at a working mom's blog!  No time to write. The poor woman had enough heart to design the blog but only made it through two entries before calling it quits.  I have to say, as a working mom blogger whose words are few and far between (or at least far between...),, your words (or rather lack thereof) brought comfort to my heart!  You  are familiar with the working mom's dilemma.  You know what it feels like to straddle the gap between all that we'd like to be and the reality of what can happen in a given day.  Thank you,!  I owe ya one!