Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Slacker Day

In reflecting on my day, there are many things I didn’t do…  I didn’t go to the gym (Slacker!).  I didn’t fold the piles of laundry that suffocate my sofa.  I didn’t clean the house.  I didn’t take the much-needed trip to Costco.  I didn’t even wash a single dish all day.  All potential visitors to my home, please take note: B.Y.O.H. (Bring your own Hazmat suit).  

So if I did not do any of the above, what exactly did I do?  I stayed in my jammies until well past noon, read a book, had a picnic in the backyard with my kids, thought before reacting when my son began to tantrum in the grocery store, and perhaps best of all, I made eye contact with my kids when they spoke.  

As moms we have to make so many tough choices.  Each day, and maybe each moment, calls for something different.  Every choice carries with it benefits and drawbacks. Today is no different.  I chose to let a lot slide.  On the downside, I won’t be starting out my week with a clean house or a stocked pantry.  On the upside, can I tell you how great it feels to start out the week feeling connected to my kids and free from regrets.

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