Monday, February 6, 2012

Thank you, Pinterest!

No sooner have I put the last pair of folded socks away in my drawer, I pivot to see a leg of jammies cascading down the side of the hallway hamper announcing, "It's full again!"  I clean the kitchen to make room to cook.  On my way back from dumping the trash, I deposit the used tissues that were scattered across the living room floor, an old homework assignment, and some junk mail.   The waste basket is already half full.  My life feels like the movie Groundhog Day as I do the same things over and over and over again.  There's something taxing about investing so much time and energy into things that feel so dreadfully impermanent, vanishing into thin air as if they never were.  And so I long for anything that feels like forward movement. Like sharing mango salsa with my good friend in the middle of two days worth of dirty dishes.  Jumping off the merry-go-round of obligation every now and then to share life with my heart. 

Enter Pinterest! Bite size pieces of moving forward.  Maybe it's a new idea for dinner, a small craft, or a new organizational tip.  Sometimes, it's simply mind candy as I imagine giving some little piece of my life a makeover.  Every now and again it's something I actually DO!  Tonight, I reorganized my linen closet after looking at a picture of a cabinet full of sheets where each set of sheets is stored inside a pillow case.  No big deal, and yet as I introduced a new kind of order to this itty bitty corner of my life, I felt a soft breeze flutter somewhere deep inside of me.    And I realize...  I really needed this.  

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