Friday, May 28, 2010

Slug Bug’s for Sissies (NOT Mommies!)

I’m submitting my vote to release all moms from any sense of obligation to the game Slug Bug. Did you know that John Gottman, PhD stated in one of his books that young children place some sort of demand on their parents every three minutes? Did you know that most women are the default parent in their home assuming primary responsibility for a broad range of domestic responsibilities ranging from meals, to cleaning, to maintaining countless numbers of mental lists? Are you aware that in most homes, it is the mom who keeps a comprehensive grocery inventory in her head? At a moment’s notice, believe it or not, most moms could tell you how much milk is in the fridge and at what point the milk will likely run out, give a day or two. The same mom could also tell you the names of each child’s teacher, approximately when said children need to return to the doctor for their annual well-child visit, which child’s pants are getting too short, who needs new underwear, and specifically which condiments go with which hot dog at the dinner table. Given that, I beg you to tell me, how on earth, as I’m driving down the street rehearsing all of life’s responsibilities that am I supposed to take note of a Slug Bug, register it in my brain as a Slug Bug, and remember to punch my passenger? This whole business of playing a game that I am so ill-equipped to have ANY success with is getting old… It is for this reason that I am registering my vote. Sisters, brother, fathers, cousins, and friends… Play away, but leave mommy out of it. My arm is getting sore.

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